Sustainable Communities Fund
What the fund is, what it can be used for, who can apply for it, how much you can apply for, how to apply, if you get funding.
The Sustainable Communities Fund aims to support local people to develop sustainable projects that will promote or improve community collaboration, health and wellbeing, local spaces, economic development, biodiversity and the environment.
It is part-funded by the UK Government Levelling Up Fund through the Shared Prosperity Fund and replaces the previous Community Empowerment Fund and Community Climate Fund.
What the funding can be used for
What kind of projects we are looking for, what the funding can be used for, revenue and capital projects.
What the funding can be used for
Who can apply for funding
Who can apply for it, applying to fund a Community Asset Transfer.
How much funding you can apply for
How much you should apply for, small, intermediate and large awards, applications for more than £100,000, funding subsidies.
How much funding you can apply for
How to apply for funding
What information we need, when to apply, how we will assess your application, applying for more than one grant.
If you get funding
Conditions of the grant, the Fair Work First criteria, how we will pay the grant, evaluation of your project.