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Searching on "standard deduction single age 18 earned income $7256 dependant on parent\'s return" found 667 results - Page 23 of 67

Statement on Dargavel independent review

A series of recommendations are being implemented in full by Renfrewshire Council following publication of the independent review into the historic assessment of...

Who can apply for a Blue Badge

Who can apply for a Blue Badge without an assessment, who may be able to get one with an assessment, Risk in Traffic Blue Badges and Blue Badges for children under...

Norma: I wanted to give Sarah a chance to grow and develop her own skills

Norma and Pat became foster carers more than 12 years ago and currently look after Sarah permanently.

Apply for the Winter Connections Fund

What Winter Connections is, what funding is available, what you can and can't use the grant for, how to apply, our decisions on funding, if you're awarded funding,...

Apply for council housing

Apply for council housing in Renfrewshire. Learn about houses and flats available to rent from Renfrewshire Council, how to apply for one, and more.

LDP1 Examination (August 2013 - June 2014)

Following all consultation stages, the Proposed LDP and all representations to it have been submitted to the Scottish Government for independent review.