Bishopton Primary School
Location and headteacher
Bishopton Primary School is on Old Greenock Road in Bishopton.
Wendy McNaught is the headteacher.
The associated secondary school is Park Mains High School.
Headquarters contact details
- Link education manager: Julie Colquhoun
Updates on Dargavel and Bishopton school capacity
We are keeping parents and carers updated on progress to address school capacity within the Dargavel and Bishopton area.
You can read these updates here:
- October 2024: update on school capacity and roll projections in Bishopton and Dargavel
- October 2023: replacement of classroom block
- May 2023: Update on school capacity in Bishopton area
Contacting the school
If you have any questions about general school matters, you can contact the school as follows:
- email
- call 0300 300 0147.