Renfrewshire Council

Pay your rent

How to pay your rent, rent paid by Housing Benefit, rent paid by Universal Credit, payment arrangements with us.

How to pay your rent

There are lots of ways to pay your rent.

It is charged weekly on Mondays and must be paid in advance.

You can choose the frequency to pay your rent.

Every tenant has a rent account number which is a 12-digit number.

Help with paying your rent

We provide help with paying your rent.

Housing Benefit

You may be able to claim Housing Benefit to help pay your rent if you're unemployed, on a low income or claiming benefits. It is being replaced by Universal Credit.

If your rent is paid by Housing Benefit, we manage this for you.

You should contact us if there is a change in your circumstances by phoning us on 0300 300 0204.

Universal Credit

You may be able to claim Universal Credit, which is replacing Housing Benefit.

If your rent is paid by Universal Credit, you should keep your journal up-to-date (GOV.UK) on your weekly housing costs.

Ways to pay your rent

You can choose how to pay your rent and when you will make your payments.

Pay online using MyAccount

You can view your rent account and pay online using MyAccount.

By direct debit

You can set up a direct debit by:

Each year around March, direct debit customers will receive a letter from us about any changes to the direct debit amount from April.

By standing order

You can set up a standing order by:

By phone

Phone us on 0300 300 0300 and say 'Pay my rent' to our automated advisor Millie, who will connect you to the automated payment line. This is available to use 24 hours a day and accepts payments by debit or credit card.

By cash or card at a PayPoint machine

Use a council payment card to pay by cash or bank card at PayPoint machines in shops across Renfrewshire.

By cash or card at our customer service centre in Paisley

Use our payment kiosks in the customer service centre at Renfrewshire House on Cotton Street in Paisley. You'll need your rent account number.