Renfrewshire Council

Join our 'Care for a Cuppa' event for working carers

Colleagues with caring responsibilities are invited to our next virtual catch up.

A woman holding a cup of tea sits in front of a laptop which displays an online team meeting with several attendees

Our employee network for colleagues with caring responsibilities, Carers Connected, is having its next 'Care for a Cuppa' virtual session on Thursday 27 March from 10.30-11.30am.

Are you an employee who helps another person, in their day-to-day who may be impacted by disability, physical or mental ill health or substance misuse? If you do, you could be an unpaid working carer. 

You may already be a member of Carers Connected or an unpaid working carer who wants to find out more about the support we offer. Either way, we'd love to meet you!

These virtual sessions are a great chance to connect with other colleagues who have caring responsibilities and share information, experiences, and advice in a safe and friendly environment.

You can also speak to members of our People and OD team who are keen to hear any ideas you have on how we can improve the support we offer our colleagues with caring responsibilities.

Invitations will soon be sent out to everyone registered on our carers network, so look out for your invite.

If you are not yet registered but would like to come along, please email Fiona at or Ian at or

If you think you might be an unpaid working carer, you can get more information on the type of support available to you on our 'Council staff with caring responsibilities' webpage.                                                               

Published Wednesday 12 March 2025