Mental health first aid for staff
If you work at the council and you need support with your mental wellbeing, you can reach out to any of our trained Mental Health First Aiders.
If you or a member of your team would benefit from support for your own mental health and wellbeing, please reach out to any of our trained Mental Health First Aiders. They will listen to you in confidence without any judgement and help you access the support you need.
If you're having a mental health crisis, find out who you can contact for help.
Mental Health First Aid staff at the council
Name | Email address | Work location | Contact details |
Angela McCormick | 15 Abercorn Street, Paisley | 0141 618 5824 | |
Moya Garner | Community Safety Hub | 07887 630 212 | |
Olga Terzi | Backsneddon Street | 07483 947 513 | |
Rosie Rossiter | Auchenlodment Primary School | 0141 487 1695 | |
Stuart McCartney | | Community Learning & Development - West Primary | 0141 618 2855 / 07534 075 700 |
Timothy Crangle | Fitzalan Court and Thrushcraigs Homeless Staffed Accommodation | 07811056679 | |
Morag Alexander | Gallowhill Court | 07825 283 038 | |
Caitlin Hutton | Housing support office at Gallowhill Court | 07484 057473 | |
Orla Clews | Gallowhill Primary School | 07483 410 989 | |
Elizabeth Cannon | Gallowhill Primary School | 07432 105 713 | |
Joanne Cameron | | Hillview Early Learning & Childcare Centre | 0300 300 1469 |
Michelle Goodwin | Hillview Early Learning & Childcare Centre | 0300 300 1469 | |
Alison Nugent | Home | 07833 122 777 | |
Jenni Nicolson | Home | Contact by email | |
Imaan Niven | | Home | Available via Teams |
Amanda Kyle | Johnstone Town Hall | 0141 487 2024 | |
Tracey Murray | Johnstone Town Hall | 0141 618 5077 / 07483 381 916 | |
Morven Lambie | Johnstone Town Hall | Contact by email | |
Lee Cottingham | Johnstone Town Hall | Contact by email | |
Andrew Mitchell | KGV Pavilion | 07811054581 | |
Deborah Boyd | Mile End Centre | 07484063516 | |
Elaine Stobo | Renfrewshire House | 07879 694 332 | |
Kirsty Dalziel | Renfrewshire House | 07811053859 | |
Dylan Glynn | Renfrewshire House | 07484 063 509 | |
Joyce McLean | Renfrewshire House | 0141 487 1432 | |
Lisa Muir | Renfrewshire House | 07900 650 803 | |
Valery Timoney | | Renfrewshire House | 0141 618 7317 / 07483 947 477 |
Barry Mitchell | Renfrewshire House or Home | 0141 487 0936 | |
Carol Cleland | Renfrewshire House | 07900 190 804 | |
Clare McGivern | Renfrewshire House | 0141 487 0794 | |
Anne-Marie Flavell | Renfrewshire House | contact by email | |
Colin Orr | Renfrewshire House / Home | 07483 349 803 | |
Gareth Richards | Renfrewshire House / Home | 07483 121 273 | |
John Millar | Renfrewshire House / Home | 07483 401 937 | |
Alan Gibson | Renfrewshire House | 07983921000 | |
Graeme McLatchie | Renfrewshire House | 07863 993113 | |
Elizabeth McKay | Renfrewshire House | 07483 942283 | |
Michael McKay | Renfrewshire House | 0141 487 0489 | |
Laura McNally | Renfrewshire House / Home | Contact by email | |
Nicola Meechan | Renfrewshire House / Home | 07483947460 | |
Jenny Niblock | Renfrewshire House | 0141 487 0527 | |
Ann Davidson | The Russell Institute, 30 Causeyside Street, Paisley PA1 1UN | 07766 776191 | |
Scott McAtear | The Russell Institute, 30 Causeyside Street, Paisley PA1 1UN | 07483 947348 | |
Fiona Quinn | The Russell Institute, 30 Causeyside Street, Paisley PA1 1UN | 07483 358013 | |
Jane Findlay | The Russell Institute, 30 Causeyside Street, Paisley PA1 1UN | 07983 802384 | |
Megan Wandrum | The Russell Institute, 30 Causeyside Street, Paisley PA1 1UN | 07974 071538 | |
Margo Moffat | The Russell Institute, 30 Causeyside Street, Paisley PA1 1UN | 07974 071497 | |
Gemma MacNeil | The Russell Institute, 30 Causeyside Street, Paisley PA1 1UN | 07811 056932 | |
Joan Ferguson | The Russell Institute, 30 Causeyside Street, Paisley PA1 1UN | 07534 007912 | |
Robert Skiffington | St Andrews' Academy | 0300 300 1440 | |
William Fullerton | The Mirin | 0141 618 4960 | |
Angela Coyle | Underwood Road Depot | 07890 443 829 | |
Lesley Rodgers | Underwood Road Depot / Renfrewshire House / Home | 07483 947 339 | |
Michelle Shannon | Underwood Road Depot | 07483120670 | |
Peter Finnigan | Underwood Road Depot | 07811056472 | |
Gerry Doherty | Underwood Road Depot | 07535517117 | |
Gary McCallum | Underwood Road Depot | 07484064500 | |
John Kennedy | Renfrewshire House | 07979 995413 | |
Clare Dooris | Woodlands Primary School | 07958 011 037 | |
Darren Barnes | Renfrew area | 07484 063 528 | |
Martin Waterston | Erskine, Bishopton, Dargavel Village, Langbank, Houston & Bridge of Weir | 07483 921 264 | |
Brian Connelly | Paisley South East | 07483 405 621 | |
Scot Fraser | Renfrewshire House | 07483 921 245 | |
Peter Harvey | Renfrewshire House | Contact by email | |
Cheryl Barr | Renfrewshire House | 07483 411 473 | |
Chris Pashley | HSCP Renfrewshire wide | 07811 055 021 | |
Susan Allan | Erskine, Bishopton, Dargavel Village, Langbank, Houston, Bridge of Weir | 07970 745 198 | |
Margaret McGrory | Families First Office, Gallowhill Primary | 07789 618 854 | |
Grant Cathcart | Renfrewshire House | 0141 487 1786 | |
Mechele Richardson | or | St Mary's Primary School | 0300 300 0186 |
Lindsey Hendry | Renfrewshire Valuation Joint Board | 0141 487 0635 | |
Kimberly Roan McVeigh | Flexible Learning Resource, Renfrew High School | 07483 947 409 | |
Shona Arrighi | Renfrewshire Valuation Joint Board | 0141 487 0648 | |
Guido Marcuccilli | Renfrewshire House | 0141 487 1787 | |
Joanne Currans | Renfrewshire House | 07483 947 534 | |
Elaine McAllister | Working from home | 0141 487 0818 | |
Jennie Hicks | Working from home | 0141 487 0526 | |
Catriona Thomson | Working from home / Renfrewshire House | 0141 487 0790 | |
Jennie Hicks | Working from home / Renfrewshire House | 0141 4870526 | |
Nikki Mills |
| 07775817551 | |
Timothy Crangle |
| 0141 487 2112 | |
Valery Timoney |
| 0141 4870801 and 07483947477 | |
Susan Allan |
| 0141 4871580 |