Five ways to support your wellbeing by connecting with nature
Take time to notice your surroundings and immerse yourself in the wonders of nature
Mindfulness outdoors
Find a nice spot and sit or lie down. Be still and think about how you feel. You can even try 'woodland bathing' - sitting in a wooded area, being still and enjoying the sounds, colours, and smells all around you. Do you know your plants and trees - you could use the PlantNet Plant Identification App and experience identifying nature.
Not only is water the healthiest drinking choice, but simply watching the flow of water outdoors like in a river or the sea, listening to the sounds and focusing on the majestic shapes that the water makes can be very soothing.
Listening to dawn or dusk chorus
nature's symphony is particularly beautiful at these times. But listening to birds at any time of day can be a relaxing and uplifting experience. Why not learn to identify different birds through the sounds they make? You can use this RSPB Bird Song Identifier or download the RSPB Birdsong Radio app on your phone to help work out who's singing what.
Plant something and watch it grow
it's so gratifying to see something grow from a tiny seed into full bloom. What better way to connect with and appreciate nature?
Cloud spotting
a fun game for all the family. What shaped can you see in sky? What stories are unfolding up there?
Patterns in nature
nature is full of amazing patterns that have inspired creatives for thousands of years. What will you spot?
Look for insects
watch how they move and go about their day. Watch its journey closely and let yourself share in that world. Are you a budding David Attenborough? You could use the Insect Identifier Bug Identifier Spider Identifier app to take a picture, and learn more about your new insect friends.
Get Creative
Natural art
Use objects from nature (blossom, twigs, stones, leaves, sand, shells...) to create a design or pattern. Take pictures, to preserve your natural artwork!
Sketch or paint outdoors
Great artists like Monet and Vincent Van Gogh have always appreciated the importance of nature and art. Take a leaf from their book and capture the natural world by painting or sketching 'en plein air' (outdoors).
Pressing flowers
This is a beautiful way to be creative with nature. Preserve the life of flower the traditional way using books or by using a microwave. You can create pictures or even greetings cards to give to others.
Create a garden or flower bed
Research then design your own garden/flower bed to attract local wildlife (butterflies, bees, birds). You can use the RSPB Giving Nature a Home mobile app, which gives you weekly garden activities for all size of gardens.
Compose music
If music is more your thing, try listening to the sounds of the great outdoors and let it inspire some original music.
Create a story stick
Put some elastic bands on a stick and then collect items along the way as you walk through a natural environment. Once home you'll have a unique memento to relive the adventure.
Be Active
Take a scenic walk or a cycle in the countryside
There's no shortage of that here in Renfrewshire. Visit the paisley.is website for lots of great ideas and information on exploring the great outdoors in Renfrewshire.
Play outdoors
Why not try the Nature Passport App which helps kids and families play outside for any environment backyards to parks.
Nature treasure hunt
Go for walk with a list of specific items you want to find e.g. a stone that's not round, feathers of various colours and sizes, blossom, specific shape or colour leaf, something from each colour of the rainbow and/or school colours - record your treasure on digital camera or tablet.
Litter picking
A great way to give something back and take care of our environment. It's also a good way of connecting with others!
Give to Others
Gift a fragrance that isn't expensive
Grow herbs! Herbs like mint are ideal, grow them in little pots and give as a small gift to family or friends.
Create bug hotels
Hedgehog houses, bird feeding stations, miniature gardens on a plate (with gravel, pinecones, succulents, twigs, leaves...) are rewarding ways give to local wildlife.
Wear nature
Daisy chains and willow bands are beautiful and easy to make, give them to friends or family for a special gift.
Share your favourite place outdoors
Introduce a friend or family member to your favourite place outdoors. It's a great way to connect with others while enjoying nature.
Connect with Others
Growing together
Growing flowers and plants as a joint project with friends or family is a great way to connect. For fun, why not try a fast-growing plant like cress. Stick it in an eggshell and draw on a face, then cut the cress into a crazy hairstyle!
Listening together
Choose a partner to sit outside with and see how many different sounds you can hear.
Watching together
Bird watching or insect watching can be just as much fun if not more with someone else.
Gardening together
Do you know someone with a garden or allotment? Maybe there's a community garden near you. Why not offer your assistance and help to care for it together.
Have you tried any of the above, or found connecting with nature has helped you cope during the coronavirus pandemic? We want to start the conversation about mental health and are keen to hear from anyone who is willing to share their story.
Let's help our workplace to become a better, more supportive place.
Open up and send your stories to internal.communications@renfrewshire.gov.uk.