What community planning is
Community planning partnerships, rights of community groups and responsibilities of partnerships, the two types of community plans.
Community planning partnerships
A Community Planning Partnership (or CPP) is the name given to all the services that come together to take part in community planning. There are 32 CPPs across Scotland - one for each council area. Each CPP is responsible for developing and delivering a plan for its council area.
Effective community planning brings together the collective talents and resources of local public services and communities to drive positive change on local priorities. It focuses on where partners' collective efforts and resources can add most value for their local communities - with particular emphasis on reducing inequalities.
Rights and responsibilities
The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 creates new rights for community bodies and introduces new duties on public authorities. This strengthening the voices of communities in the decisions that matter to them. The Act also strengthens the statutory base for community planning.
The two types of community plans
Under Part 2 Community Planning, of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, CPPs are responsible for producing two types of plan to describe its local priorities, the improvements it plans for and by when.
Local Outcomes Improvement Plan
The first plan is a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan that covers the whole council area.
A refreshed Local Outcomes Improvement Plan and Locality Plans for 2017 to 2027 has been developed in consultation with communities and our partners.
See our current Our Renfrewshire community plan 2017 to 2027
Locality Plan
The second is a Locality Plan that covers smaller areas within the CPP area - usually focusing on those areas which benefit most from improvement.