Orchard Street Housing Renewal Area
Renfrewshire Council is using its legal powers to implement a wide-ranging programme of building improvements to the poor quality five tenement blocks at 3, 5, 7 and 9 Orchard Street and 33 Causeyside Street, Paisley. The scheme is being progressed by the Council and Paisley Housing Association and is supported by Scottish Government funding.
March 2022 update
The scheme is progressing well. Paisley Housing Association have acquired a significant number of the properties in the designation area and are currently finalising several further acquisitions. The project is now at design stage and will go to the planning application stage following this.
Any remaining owners are being contacted by the association who will discuss with them their share of the costs and project timescales. Where an owner does not voluntarily agree to fund their share of the work, the Council may use its statutory powers to enforce works and then recharge the owner.
Local authorities are able to create a Housing Renewal Area to cover a defined location where buildings are considered to be in poor condition or where their appearance is affecting the area.
Members of the council's Housing and Community Safety Policy Board approved plans to designate the blocks as a Housing Renewal Area on 14 March 2017, following a three month public consultation period with owners, residents and other interested parties.
The Housing Renewal Action plan sets out plans to progress work to improve the properties and communal areas of these building. Work will include renewed back court areas, roof and structural repairs, new electricity supply and gas pipework works as well as treatment for timber decay discovered in some of the buildings.
Further details can be found in the Orchard Street Board Report March 2017.
A small change was made to the Housing Renewal Area Designation Order in October 2018 to reflect a change in the Council's Scheme of Assistance for private home-owners. This did not materially change the plans for the area.
It is expected that Paisley Housing Association will acquire the majority of the properties and on completion of works the properties would be let out as social housing. Owners who do not want to sell but who did want to be part of the scheme are able to apply for a council grant to part-fund their share of the work.
Place Strategy Team, Economy and Development
Chief Executive's Service
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street
Or email: strategyandplace@renfrewshire.gov.uk