Homes to rent in Paisley, Renfrew and Johnstone (Available Now!)
What types of properties are available in Paisley, Renfrew and Johnstone, renting from the Council, how to apply for a property.
What types of homes are available
We have two and three bedroom properties with a separate living room, kitchen and bathroom.
These properties are available for early entry dates.
Properties are mostly located within walking distance to town centres, train stations and bus routes.
Renting from the Council
Advantages of renting from Renfrewshire Council are:
- A Scottish Secure Tenancy. This means the tenancy can last as long as you want it to last, provided you continue to meet the conditions of your tenancy with us
- Economic rental
- Property meets the Scottish Housing Quality Standard.
- Energy Performance Certificate available
- 24 hour emergency repair service
- No deposit required
How to apply for a property
You must have a current application for housing registered with Renfrewshire Council to apply for one of the properties.
Go to the S1 Rental website for more information about our homes available now to rent.
Contact your local housing office or the Homexchange Shop on 0300 300 0222 for an appointment to complete a housing application and let us know you're interested in one of these properties.
If you think you might qualify for housing benefit, make sure you can afford the type of property you'd like to note an interest in.
We are keen to ensure that all applicants are able to access information about the homes available now to rent.
If you require information in large print, Braille, audio CD or another language, or have any other special requirements, contact us on 0300 300 0222.