Tell us if your circumstances change
What you must tell us, what to do before you tell us, how to tell us, after you've told us.
What you must tell us
It is very important you tell us about any changes in your circumstances.
Changes that we need to know about include:
- change of address
- change to the amount of rent you pay
- change to your childcare costs
- someone has moved in or out of your home, including the birth of a baby
- you or anyone you live with has started or stopped getting Income Support, Employment Support Allowance, Jobseeker's Allowance, Pension Credits or Universal Credit.
- you or anyone you live with has a change in income
- you or anyone you live with has started or stopped working
- you or anyone you live with now has more savings, investments or property
- if any children in your household have left school; or started work, training or further education
- if you or your partner are away from your home for more than 13 weeks within England, Scotland or Wales
- if you or your partner or anyone else in your household are away from your home for more than 4 weeks outside England, Scotland or Wales.
If you don't let us know about changes like these, you may miss out on benefits you are entitled to, or we may pay you too much Housing Benefit. If this happens, you may have to pay the money back or it could be considered fraud.
You must let us know within one calendar month of the change.
If it's more than a calendar month, you'll need to tell us why.
Before you tell us
You may need to upload proof of the changes when you fill in the form.
This may include:
- proof of your identity
- proof of earnings
- your rent.
You can save the form as you go along and complete it at a later stage if you need to.
How to tell us
Tell us online
Before you start, you'll need to register for MyAccount through If you've already registered, you do not need to do it again.
Tell us about a change of circumstances.
Other ways to tell us
Email us at
Tell us in writing at:
Renfrewshire Council
Benefits Service
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street
Make sure you include your claim reference number or national insurance number (NI) if you contact us by email or post.
After you've told us
After you've submitted the form, you'll see an individual case reference number on the confirmation screen.
We will also send you an email with the case reference number and some other important information. Please read this email as soon as you receive it.
If we ask you for more proof, you need to sent it to us up to one month after you submit this form.