Renfrewshire Council

Development Planning Guidance

Draft Developer Contributions (Education) Planning Guidance

The consultation on our draft Developer Contributions (Education) Planning Guidance [3MB] is now closed.

The guidance sets out when we'll ask developers for financial contributions towards investment in education infrastructure which is needed, in full or in part, because of proposed housing development.

It will be taken into consideration in the assessment of planning applications for new residential development in our council area. It aims to introduce a degree of certainty for all stakeholders involved in proposing and assessing new residential development that will have an impact on the capacity of schools within Renfrewshire.

We'll now consider the comments we received on the draft guidance. Then, we'll report a finalised version of the guidance to the council's Planning Policy and Climate Change Board. We'll be in touch if we need to discuss any of the comments we received.

Other documents

The Renfrewshire Local Development Plan and Action Programme outlines the commitment to preparing additional guidance to support the delivery of development across Renfrewshire.

The council prepares planning guidance documents, which are material considerations in the determining of planning applications. These guidance notes aim to provide detailed guidance on a range of issues.

You can down the current guidance notes from this page.

Further planning guidance will be prepared and be available to view on this section.