If you think someone is suffering physical harm, call 0300 300 1199 now.
For non-emergencies, refer yourself or someone you know to the Adult Services Team using our online form.
Physical harm
Physical harm is mainly about a person being injured. But it can also include medicines or drugs being misused, for example, to keep a person quiet and easy to manage.
Physically harming a person is a crime.
The signs of physical harm are often clear to see, but they can be hidden by the person responsible or even by the victim.
The signs to look out for include:
- Cuts, bruises, welts, black eyes, burns, broken bones, puncture wounds and open wounds
- Untreated injuries in different stages of healing or not properly treated
- Poor skin condition or poor skin hygiene
- Dehydration and/or malnutrition not caused by an illness
- Weight loss
- Soiled clothing or bedding
- Broken glasses/frames
- Signs of being restrained (bruised or marked wrists/ankles)
- Misuse of medication, either overdosing or under-dosing
- A person telling you they have been hit, slapped, kicked, or mistreated