Renfrewshire Council

National Customer Charter for Building Standards

What the charter is, the aims, commitments and targets of the Building Standards service, where to find national information on verification performance.

A national customer charter for building standards verification provides information about the minimum standards of service that all local authorities should meet. This gives customers the reassurance that a consistent, high quality service will be delivered no matter which local authority provides the service.

Our aims

To grant building warrants and accept completion certificates:

  • To secure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of persons in and about buildings and others who may be affected by buildings or matters connected with buildings;
  • Furthering the conservation of fuel and power
  • Furthering the achievement of sustainable development.

Our vision and values

To provide a professional and informative service to all our customers.

Our commitments

Nationally, all local authority verifiers will:

  • Seek to minimise the time it takes for customers to obtain a building warrant or an amendment to building warrant
  • Ensure continuous improvement around the robustness of verification assessments to ensure compliance
  • Meet and seek to exceed customer expectations
  • Carry out local customer satisfaction research such as surveys, focus groups etc
  • Address feedback obtained through local and national customer satisfaction research (including National Customer Satisfaction Survey) to improve customer experience
  • Provide accurate financial data that is evidence based
  • Engage and participate in partnership working at local and national level to identify and embed service improvements at a national level
  • Adhere to a national annual performance report outlining our objectives, targets and performance
  • Fully adhere to the commitments outlined in this Charter (including information on customer dissatisfaction) in relation to building warrant processing timescales, processes and technical interpretation
  • Use a consistent format for our continuous improvement plans

Our targets

KPO1 Targets

  • 95% of first reports (for building warrants and amendments) issued within 20 days - all first reports (including BWs and amendments issued without a first report).
  • 90% of building warrants and amendments issued within 10 days from receipt of all satisfactory information - all building warrants and amendments (not including BWs and amendments issued without a first report).

KPO2 Targets

  • Targets to be developed as part of future review of KPO2.

KPO3 Targets

  • National customer charter is published prominently on the website and incorporates version control detailing reviews (reviewed at least quarterly).
  • 95% of BSD requests for information on a BSD 'Verifier Performance Reporting Service for Customers' case responded to by verifier within 5 days.

KPO4 Targets

  • Minimum overall average satisfaction rating of 7.5 out of 10.

KPO5 Targets

  • Building standards verification fee income to cover indicative verification service costs (staff costs plus 30%).

KPO6 Targets

  • Details of eBuilding Standards to be published prominently on the verifier's website.
  • 75% of each key building warrant related process being done electronically; Plan checking; Building warrant or amendments (and plans) being issued; Verification during construction and Completion certificates being accepted.

KPO7 Targets

  • Annual performance report published prominently on website with version control (reviewed at least quarterly).
  • Annual performance report to include performance data in line with KPOs and associated targets (annually covering previous year e.g. April 2016 - March 2017).


You can find national information on verification performance on the Scottish Government website.

This information was reviewed on 27 January 2025.