New Fees from 1st April, 2024
Principal Fee: £80.00
Property Fee: £18.00
Late application fee: £160.00
Register as a private landlord
Why you need to register as a private landlord, how to register, renew your registration, if you stop being a private landlord.
Why you need to register as a private landlord
All private landlords, with some limited exceptions, have to apply for registration in the register of landlords.
The aim of landlord registration is to make sure that all private landlords in Scotland are 'fit and proper' people to be letting residential property.
The requirement to register helps councils to remove disreputable landlords from the market and protect tenants and the wider community from the impact of antisocial behaviour and mismanaged property.
How to register as a private landlord
You can register is online on the Scottish landlord registration website.
Or you can
with the application fee to the licensing section at the address shown below.It costs £80.00 to register and the property fee is £18.00.
Renew your registration as a private landlord
Please remember to renew your landlord registration in time.
Your registration lasts three years from its approval date.
You can renew your application up to 3 months in advance of your current registration expiring.
The Scottish Government will send you a reminder by email if you've provided an email address.
If you don't renew following the two reminders, you will automatically incur a late payment fee of £160.00 for your registration.
If you stop being a private landlord
If you are no longer acting as a landlord you must contact us at so that our records are kept up-to-date.
You can find more information about landlord registration on the Scottish Government Website.
You can also check to see if an agent has been refused or had their registration removed on the agents refused or revoked list on the Scottish Letting Agent Register.