Renfrewshire Council

Business rates relief

The business rates you can apply for depending on the type of business you have, the service you provide, the rateable value of the property or if it's empty, businesses in Renfrewshire getting business rates relief.

You can reduce your business rates bill if you qualify for business rates relief.

This will depend on:

  • the type of business you have
  • the service you provide
  • if the building has been or is empty
  • the rateable value of the property.

See the business rates relief for:

See also:

Small businesses

Small business bonus scheme (only one property owned in Scotland)

The Small Business Bonus Scheme provides a discount of up to 100% for occupied eligible business properties. This will depend on the rateable value of the property.

Small business bonus scheme for only one business property
Rateable value range% relief
£12,000 or less 100%
£12,001 to £15,000 Tapered relief between 100% and 25%
£15,001 to £19,999 Tapered relief between 25% and 0%

Apply for business rates relief for a small business.

Small business bonus scheme (more than one property owned in Scotland)

If you have more than one business property in Scotland, with a combined rateable value up to £35,000, you can get these business rates reliefs:

Small business bonus scheme for more than one business property
Rateable value range % relief
Combined value of £12,000 or less 100% relief
Combined value £12,001 to £35,00025% relief for each property with a rateable value of £15,000 or less
Combined value £12,001 to £35,000Tapered relief between 25% and 0% for each property with a rateable value between £15,001 and £19,999
Combined value £12,001 to £35,000No relief is available for properties with a rateable value of £20,000 or over

Apply for business rates relief for a small business.

Small Business Transitional Relief

Small Business Transitional Relief is available for properties for which Small Business Bonus Scheme was in place on 31 March 2023.

This relief will generally limit any increase in rates payable for 2023 / 2024 to £600 and £1200 for 2024 /2025.

Apply for transitional relief for a small business.

New builds and improved properties

This relief is available to all new build and certain improved properties.

Apply for business rates relief for businesses in new builds and improved properties [132KB]

Empty properties

Since the introduction of uniform business rate, the levying of the unoccupied rate (also referred to as empty rate) is mandatory on all properties.

From 1 April 2023 relief for empty properties is no longer governed by legislation.

Renfrewshire Council has devolved powers to set empty property relief.

Standard commercial properties

If your property (standard commercial) is empty, you will have to pay 50% business rates for the first three months.

After these three months you will be entitled to 10% relief.

Apply for empty property business rates relief [140KB]

Industrial properties

For industrial properties you will not have to pay business rates for the first six months.

After these six months you will be entitled to 10% relief.

Apply for business rates relief on an empty property [140KB]

Businesses occupying long-term empty properties (Fresh Start Scheme) 

Through the Fresh Start Scheme, you can apply 100% relief for 12 months if:

  • the property has a rateable value under £100,000
  • has been empty for 6 months or more, and then occupied
  • no other reduction is being made.

Apply for business rates relief on an empty property [152KB]

Listed buildings

Listed buildings do not qualify for enhanced relief.

If Listed Buildings relief was in place on 31 March 2023, and the property remains empty, 100% relief will continue until 30 September 2023.

After this date 10% relief will be awarded.

Apply for business rates relief on an empty property [140KB]

Other types of empty properties

You can get 100% relief if the property:

  • is in the hands of certain trustees
  • has a rateable value of less than £1,700

Apply for business rates relief on an empty property [140KB]

Charities and amateur sports clubs

Registered charities and amateur sports clubs can apply for up to 80% relief on any non-domestic property which is used wholly or mainly for that charity or club.

If you qualify for this relief, we may remove the remaining 20% of the bill by awarding discretionary relief.

Apply for charity or amateur sports club business rates relief [138KB]

Non-profit organisations

Business rates relief of up to 100% may be available for properties which are used by certain organisations which are not-for-profit, for example, sports, theatre, arts or clubs.

It is possible for certain licensed clubs to receive discretionary relief.

Apply for non-profit organisations business rates relief [189KB]

Nurseries and child day care

Day nurseries can get 100% relief from business rates

Apply for business rates relief for nurseries and child day care [135KB]

Properties providing services for people with disabilities

You may be eligible for up to 100% relief if you provide residential accommodation for the care of people who are ill or if you provide training, welfare services or workshops for disabled people.

Apply for business rates relief for properties providing services to people with disabilities [139KB]

General revaluation transitional relief

Revaluation transitional relief

A General Revaluation Transitional Relief is available for all property types, capping gross bill increases at a specified percentage increase, dependent on the rateable value on 1 April 2023.

This relief will be automatically awarded.

General revaluation transitional relief
Rateable value range on 1 April 2023 % annual cap 2023 / 2024% annual cap 2024 / 2025
£20,000 or less 12.5%25%
£20,001 to £100,000   25%50%
Over £100,000 37.5%75%

If you need more information about transitional business rates relief, contact the Revenues Business Team at or call on 0300 300 0202

Parks transitional relief

This relief provides for parks, or parts of parks, that existed but were not rateable on 31 March 2023, and which became rateable on 1 April 2023.

Relief will amount to 67% for 2023 / 2024 and 33% for 2024 / 2025.

Where to send your application for business rates relief

If you are applying for business rates relief, send the relevant form to us at or by post to:

Director of Finance and Resources
Revenues Business Team
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street

Help and advice

Contact our Revenues Business Team to discuss any aspect of your bill and for help, support and guidance at or call on 0300 300 0202.

Our office hours are:

  • Mondays to Thursdays from 8.45am to 4.45pm
  • Fridays from 8.45am to 3.55pm.

Businesses in Renfrewshire receiving business rates relief

We publish a list of Renfrewshire businesses receiving business rates relief.

You can see a list of businesses receiving business rates relief up to quarter 4, 2024 [310KB] .