Searching on "who has authority over the faa" found 985 results
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What permitted development is, permitted development rights for householders, Non Householder development, removal of rights, conservation areas, control of advertisement...
What a community asset transfer is, our community asset transfer policy, Request an asset transfer, notices, representations, decisions and reviews on asset transfers....
A list of all the electoral wards in Renfrewshire and the elected members (councillors) for each ward.
Council fees and charges for licences, certificates, permits, inspections, equipment and services.
What is the Community Climate Fund is, projects we have funded.
Renfrewshire Council's 'processing of personal information notice' for early learning and childcare.
Help to use numbers and improve maths skills, activities and learning, take a numeracy quiz
Poor food handling in kitchens is thought to cause about a third of food poisoning cases.