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Searching on "who has authority over the faa" found 985 results - Page 96 of 99

What you need to provide for a Blue Badge

What information you'll need to give us if you've been approved for a Blue Badge, including proof of identity, proof of address, evidence you don't need a further...

Business advice on consumer law

The business companion website from the Chartered Trading Standards Institute, guidance on GOV.UK, weights and measures fees and charges, become a trusted trader....

Team Up to Clean Up caddies and tools

Cleaning and gardening tools you can borrow to tidy your local area, including gritting gear for winter weather.

How to ask for environmental information

What is environmental information is, fees and charges, how long it will take, other types of environmental information.

Food waste and food recycling bins

How to use the food waste recycling service, what goes in your food caddy bin, If you need more food caddy bin liners, what happens to the recycled food, why it's...

Delivering for the community in all weather

Hot meals for local people come rain, hail or shine

Tree preservation and conservation areas

Our tree policy, tree preservation orders, trees in conservation areas, trees and development.

How we handle school meal debt

How school meal debt happens, how we manage school meal debt, preventing school meal debt, help and support.

Small urgent repairs (Right to Repair scheme)

What Right to Repair is, what are qualifying repairs, contact details for Building Services, exclusions from the scheme.

Request a review of your council tax reduction

What a review of your council tax is, how to ask for a review of your council tax reduction, if you're not happy with our decision, if you want the Council Tax...