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Searching on "who has authority over the faa" found 985 results - Page 9 of 99

Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy

Our approach to preventing fraud, who the Counter Fraud and Corruption Policy applies to, reporting fraud.

Paisley Central Library wins prestigious judges' award at Herald Property Awards for Scotland

Paisley Central Library has been awarded the Judges' Special Recognition Award at the Herald Property Awards for Scotland.

Kirklandneuk Primary pupil wins national design award

A primary 7 pupil has won a UK-wide design competition.

Paisley Grammar School

Who the head teacher is, associated primary schools, the new Paisley Grammar School opening in 2026.

Supporting colleagues through pregnancy loss

What pregnancy loss is, support available to colleagues who have experienced pregnancy loss, and guidance for managers

Clothing grants for children at school

What clothing grants are, who can them, how to apply and when you get them.

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

What ASIST is, who ASIST is for, when training is taking place, and how to book.