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Searching on "best way to kill roots in a sewer line" found 485 results - Page 9 of 49

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell, June 2024

Alan Russell highlights the importance of cyber security in this pre-election period and provides an update on the recent Economy Conference, COSLA Excellence Awards,...

Walking 500 miles, and 500 more

Proud mum Joan talks about her son Craig's epic Euros charity fundraising adventure.

Community alarms and telecare at home

What community alarms and telecare is, how it works, who can benefit from telecare, what types of telecare sensors are available, our accredited service, how much...

Road edges (gullies)

What a road edge (gully) is, how we clean the gullies, why they need to be cleaned, how you can help.

Our values

More than 4,000 voices including our staff, local residents, partners, young people and community groups helped identify the values most important to us all that...

Child protection

What to do if you're worried about a child or young person's welfare, what you should look out for, what you should do, your details, what may happen to the child...

"Fabulous" feedback from colleagues

Recognising staff commitment to supporting unpaid working carers

Support for staff with caring responsibilities

Your rights as an unpaid working carer, your rights at work, managing caring responsibilities and work, how managers can support you, the Carers Connected network,...

When absence review happens and how to follow the absence review process

What absence review points are, the stages of absence review meetings and the absence review process.