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Searching on "standard deduction single age 18 earned income $7256 dependant on parent\'s return" found 667 results - Page 62 of 67

Council boards

The Renfrewshire Council Boards, what they do, links to their meeting papers and recordings other boards, terminated boards.

Council apprentice advances to national finals

A bright spark in training: Callum Rae's journey to success and his aspirations for the future

New Council homes to be built in Gallowhill and Johnstone

Plans are progressing to build 135 new Council houses across two developments in Gallowhill and Johnstone.

Self-build housing

What self-build housing is, why we want to support quality homes, register for the self-build housing list, the published list, how to learn more.

Find a trusted trader

Find a trusted trader in Renfrewshire or East Renfrewshire, things to check before you hire a trader.

Council tax discount or exemption for an unoccupied property

Find out if you can get a council tax discount for an unoccupied property

Double win for Renfrewshire at the Herald Property Awards

We received 'Judges' Special Recognition' for Paisley Central Library along with 'Best residential regeneration project' for our Tannahill development.

Steps to becoming a foster carer

What the stages of the fostering process achieves, initial and formal stages, what happens during an initial home visit, preparation groups, home study assessments,...

Child protection

What to do if you're worried about a child or young person's welfare, what you should look out for, what you should do, your details, what may happen to the child...

Values led approach to supporting young people

Living our values leads to success for Project SEARCH team and supported interns