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Searching on "Catholics Heads Meeting dundee council" found 1,016 results - Page 45 of 102

Emergency contact numbers

Who to contact if it's an emergency, for non-emergencies, emergency alerts, medical help and advice, flooding, power cuts, gas emergencies, water issues, council...

Our values

More than 4,000 voices including our staff, local residents, partners, young people and community groups helped identify the values most important to us all that...


Council housing, homelessness, housing for vulnerable and older people, sheltered housing, housing associations, affordable housing, properties for rent, private...

Help if you need a temporary place to stay tonight

If you're in Renfrewshire and need a temporary place to stay tonight, phone the council. We'll find out about your situation and offer you a place to stay.

Bin collection

Learn about bin collection from Renfrewshire Council, including your bin collection day, what goes in your bins, how to report missed collections, and more.

Adapting your home

If you or someone you live with has difficulty getting in and out of your home, it may be possible to adapt your house to make it more suitable for your needs.

Renfrewshire's British Sign Language (BSL) Plan

What our British Sign Language (BSL) plan is, who was involved, what you told us, watch the plan in our BSL videos.

Local Child Poverty Action Report

What the Local Child Poverty Action Report is, its key themes, our priorities for 2024 to 2025, and how to read the full report.

Window cleaner's licence

What you need to apply for a window cleaner's licence, licence fee, conditions of your licence, how long the licence lasts for.

Strategic Housing Investment Plan

Renfrewshire's Strategic Housing Investment Plan