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Searching on "standard deduction single age 18 earned income $7256 dependant on parent\'s return" found 667 results - Page 37 of 67

Budget 2024/25 update from Chief Executive, Alan Russell

This week (Thursday 29 February), councillors agreed to a budget of £549.287million for the financial year 2024/25.

What happens when an entire team commits to #KeepThePromise...

Promise Keepers at Glenburn ELCC now see their roles in a new light.

Register a death

Register a death, what information you need to give us, what documents we will give you, what happens next, tell us once.

Retail Improvement Scheme (RIS) grants

What the Retail Improvement Scheme (RIS) is, who can apply for it, what you can and can't use the grant for, how to apply, how we assess your application and how...

Check your annual leave balance

How to check your annual leave balance on Business World, if you think your annual leave balance is wrong, your annual leave if you've started working here, have...

Active travel to school

We encourage our young people to get to school each day through active travel - be it by walking, wheeling or cycling - and we want to make sure schools are as...

Register a stillbirth

Make an appointment to register a stillbirth, who can register a stillbirth, what documents to bring with you, what documents we will give you, if you can't make...

How we handle school meal debt

How school meal debt happens, how we manage school meal debt, preventing school meal debt, help and support.

Landlord accreditation for people working in the private rental sector

What Landlord Accreditation Scotland is, what it provides, the benefits of accreditation for people working in the private rental sector.