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Searching on "who has authority over the faa" found 985 results - Page 2 of 99

Over £4k raised in record MacMillian Coffee Morning

Our Improving the Cancer Journey Team held their 2024 fundraiser in memory of their beloved colleague Caroline Kyle-Chittick.

Who can apply for a grant to repair a private historic building

Who can apply for this grant depends on where your property is, if you're applying as a private or joint owner or on behalf of an organisation.

Support and information for colleagues who have experienced pregnancy loss

Information about time off, counselling, reasonable adjustments, and other support available.

Who can get free nursery places or childcare

Learn about nursery or childcare for three and four-year-olds, two-year-olds, and children up to two years old who get priority places.

#YouDecide - giving you the power over decision making

What #YouDecide is, how it worked, submitting your ideas, what happened next, successful projects what happens next, questions about #YouDecide.

New Chairperson for Renfrewshire's Integration Joint Board

Councillor Jennifer Adam has been appointed as the Chair of Renfrewshire's Integration Joint Board (IJB). She will take over as Chair for the next IJB meeting,...

£880 million return on ten years of City Deal investment

The UK and Scottish governments joined local leaders to mark ten years of the Glasgow City Region City Deal and to reflect on what has been achieved through the...

Direct Payments for adult community care

What direct payments are, who can get them, exclusions, legislation and the council's duties, key principles.