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Searching on "dominican republic virgin holidays" found 61 results - Page 2 of 7

Civil partnership fees

The fees for civil partnership registrations and civil partnership ceremonies on Mondays to Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays, with or without guests,...

Schools, education and learning

School term dates and holidays, school meals, clothing grants, transport to school, apply for a school place, primary, secondary and additional support needs (ASN)...

Pay for additional hours of nursery or childcare (wraparound care)

What additional (wraparound) nursery or childcare is, who can get it, how you purchase it, how to pay for it, how to apply, our decision.

Lead in drinking water

In Scotland, lead does not occur naturally in significant concentrations in our water supplies.

Paisley town centre Business Improvement District (BID) levy payments

What a Business Improvement District is, how much the levy payments are and how to make levy payments.

Pay your business rates

What business rates payments you can make online, paying in instalments, other ways to pay.


Let us know about graffiti in a public place, what to do about graffiti on private property, service company property, utilities, bus shelters, roads, or pavements....

Out of school care (childcare for primary school age children)

Find out about the out of school care services for primary and secondary school children in Renfrewshire.

Staff info

Find out what's happening in our organisation, our colleagues share their stories, messages and blogs, employee information, training and guidance, things you can...

Taking annual leave during sickness absence and sickness during annual leave

When you can take annual leave during sickness, being sick when on annual leave, how much leave you have when returning from sickness, how this works for term time...