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Searching on "bluetooth audio receiver" found 329 results - Page 17 of 33

How much Sustainable Communities Funding you can apply for

How much you should apply for, small, intermediate and large awards, applications for more than £100,000, funding subsidies.

First steps to bidding for contracts with Renfrewshire Council

Events run by Renfrewshire Council for Renfrewshire businesses, meet the buyer events, contract opportunities with the council, business email newsletter, registering...

Noise nuisance

How to make a complaint about noise, dog barking, noise from children, burglar alarms, industrial and commercial noise.

Johnstone Town Hall

The completed regeneration project for Johnstone Town Hall, what facilities and services are there, how your community is making the most of the town hall.

Terminal illness

A terminal illness is a health condition with no known cure. It can also be referred to as a 'life-limiting' or a 'chronic condition,' such as certain cancers and...

Grants for social enterprises

Find out about our grants for social enterprises in Renfrewshire, including how much you could get, what types of projects we fund, and more.

"Let's Talk" Staff wellbeing blog: Hazel's story

Hazel, who works in our Chief Executive's service, shares her wellbeing story.

Johnstone school first ever in Scotland to earn gold Kitemark award for music

St Anthony's Primary School in Johnstone, Renfrewshire, has become the first school in Scotland to achieve a gold Kitemark award for music.

Appeal your business rates

What the net value and rateable value are, how to appeal the net value of your property, how to appeal your business rates, revaluation of properties.