Council homes to rent in Renfrewshire (choice-based letting)
About these homes, who can get them, before you apply, how to apply, after you've applied, homes available this week.
About these homes
If you'd like to rent a home from the council:
- first, you'll need to apply for council housing
- after you've applied, we'll contact you to discuss your preferred areas and offer you advice on what's available
- then, we'll contact you about homes that are available once you're high enough on our waiting list.
This process might take some time.
We also list some homes here for letting. If you've already applied for council housing and are on the waiting list, you can tell us if you're interested in one of these homes.
At the end of each week, we'll offer each home to someone who is eligible and who has the highest need of those who have told us they're interested.
This is called 'choice-based letting'. It's another way to get a council home in addition to being on the waiting list and waiting for us to offer you a home.
View and apply for our choice-based letting homes below.
Who can get them
First, you must apply for council housing and be on the waiting list. You cannot note your interest in (apply for) one of the homes on this page unless we've already approved you for council housing.
Before you apply
To note your interest in one of these homes, you'll need:
- your address, email address, and date of birth
- your housing application reference number (you can find this on the letter you received when you applied for council housing and on any of the other letters you've received throughout the process)
- a tenancy reference, if you're a tenant of a housing association or private landlord.
We update the homes available each week below. Phone us on 0300 300 0222 if you'd like this list in another format, including:
- post
- large print
- Braille
- another language.
Phone us on 18001 0300 300 0222 and choose 'option 2' if you're deaf or hearing-impaired and would like to use text relay to get the list by post or email.
You can ask Contact Scotland BSL about their free BSL video interpreting service if you need to speak to us in British Sign Language (BSL).
How to apply
We add the latest homes to this page each week on Monday at 10am.
Note your interest online
Note your interest in a choice-based letting home online.
The deadline to note your interest online is Sunday at midnight for any homes that became available during that week.
Note your interest offline
If you do not want to note your interest online, you can phone us on 0300 300 0222.
The deadline to note your interest by phone is Friday at 3:55pm for any homes that became available that week.
After you've applied
At the end of each week, we'll offer each home to someone who is eligible and who has the highest need of those who have told us they're interested. We'll only contact you if you've been successful.
If we decide to offer you one of these choice-based letting homes, we'll contact you as soon as possible after the closing date. We'll arrange a time that works for you so you can view the home.
If you refuse an offer for a choice-based letting home, this will count as a refusal on your housing application, the same as if you refuse any other type of housing offer.