If you get funding
Conditions of the grant, how we will pay the grant, evaluation of your project.
Conditions of the grant
If your organisation is awarded funding, we'll make grant payments by BACS transfer to the organisation's bank details included in your application.
We will not make payments to individual or personal accounts.
You cannot transfer the grant to another organisation or entity.
We may ask for receipts or invoices as evidence the grant has been spent as detailed in your project application or when it has been spent.
Evaluation of your project
When your project has been completed, you'll need to show us it's outputs and outcomes.
This will help measure the difference that Celebrating Renfrewshire funding has made in your community.
Outputs are the tangible results of an activity, service or project. They show the completion of your project's activities.
Outcomes are the overall impact or value created by your project. They show how you've achieved your project's objectives.
We will let you know how you can tell us about your project's outputs and outcomes.