This page is for Renfrewshire Council staff.
Your annual leave entitlement
How much annual leave you get, public holidays for staff.
How much annual leave you get
The annual leave year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December each year.
If you work full time, you'll get:
- 21 days for less than 5 years' service
- 26 days after 5 years' service
- 29 days after 10 years' service
- 30 days after 15 years' service
- 31 days after 20 years' service.
If you work part time, job share or do compressed working, you'll get a pro-rata amount of annual leave days based on how many days you work a week.
Your annual leave balance doesn't include public holidays.
Most employees will need to use 2 days of annual leave for the period at Christmas when the Council closes non-essential services. Flexi leave and special leave cannot be used for these 2 days. Check with your manager to confirm if this applies to you.
If you're a craft employee, you should check your terms and conditions for your annual leave entitlement as this may be different.
Public holidays
If you normally get public holidays off, this won't change.
If you are already scheduled to work or have been asked to support your service on a public holiday, you will be paid at the normal public holiday rates.
If you work part time, job share or do compressed working, you'll get a pro-rata amount of public holidays based on how many days you work a week.
If you work term time only, your normal holiday arrangements still apply.
See the public holidays for council staff.