Renfrewshire Council

Incident and accident forms on Business World (ERP)

When you need to report an accident, incident or near miss, how to report it, managers' responsibilities.

When you need to report an accident, incident or near miss

If you've had an accident, incident or near miss, you must record it through the Incident / Accident Form on Business World (ERP).

Any employee can complete an incident or accident form for themselves or on behalf of a colleague, service user or a member of the public. 

You can complete the form if:

  • were the main or injured person in the incident
  • a colleague or someone else was the main or injured person involved
  • you're a line manager and you manage someone who was the main or injured person involved.

You only need to complete one form if there were several people involved, but none of them were injured.  

However, if anyone was injured then you will need to complete a separate form for each injured person.

How to report it

The Incident / Accident form is in the Forms section of Business World. 

See the guide on how to complete an Incident or Accident Form [394KB] in Business World (ERP).

If we need more information after you have submitted the form, you will get an alert on Business World. You should check Business World after you have submitted the Incident / Accident Form.

Supply teacher guidance

Supply Teacher Guidance - Reporting an Accident or Incident [453KB]

Managers' responsibilities

Managers must make sure any incident, accident or near miss is reported quickly and accurately. 

If you're a line manager, you must monitor the workflow of incident and accident forms within your areas of responsibility and make sure forms are completed with the input of the HR Health & Safety Team.

A report has been created for managers to view and manage all Incident forms for their service/team. Guidance can be found here  Managers Incident Form report [295KB]