More space for people walking, cycling and wheeling in Renfrewshire
We are introducing temporary measures in Renfrewshire to create more space for physical distancing and make it safer for people walking, cycling and wheeling for essential trips and exercise during the Coronavirus pandemic.
It's part of the Spaces for People programme, funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Sustrans Scotland, to protect public health, support physical distancing and help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Think you know what the programme is? Check here and see if you've heard one of the myths - Spaces for People Myth busting.
These measures also support our climate change ambitions and encourage more people to walk and cycle rather than travel by car.
Temporary cycling routes are being developed to help people cycling for essential journeys to and from work and school, for exercise and to visit shops and businesses and spend local.
We are also working with local schools to develop measures which make the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up as safe as possible, enabling parents and carers to maintain physical distancing and encouraging walking and cycling to school.
A project to widen footways around local food shops and pharmacies has now finished, with barriers removed.