Renfrewshire Council

India of Inchinnan building

Inchinnan cycling and walking route

We're developing an improved cycling and walking route along a section of Greenock Road, Inchinnan.

The section is between Inchinnan Drive and a new cycling and pedestrian bridge over the Black Cart river, improving active travel options and enhancing safety from Inchinnan Business Park to the  Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) next to Glasgow Airport.

Infrastructure specialists Amey developed the initial designs with support from Sustrans Places for Everyone funding. A public survey showed strong support for the project and gathered important feedback, which Amey have incorporated into the final route design.

Construction work is underway and the project is supported through funding from the UK Government's Levelling Up fund.

Greenock Road walking and cycling improvements About the route

  • The route is being developed on the north side of Greenock Road, from the roundabout with Inchinnan Drive to the pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Black Cart
  • Existing pavement is being upgraded and widened to 3-metres, adapted for shared two-way use by pedestrians and cyclists, with a further 1-metre segregation from the main carriageway
  • Speed limit reduction on Greenock Road from 50mph to 40mph and narrowing of the main carriageway to promote road safety
  • Parking and access is being maintained at the bus depot, post office and pub, with a segregated route for pedestrians and cyclists and supporting signage.
  • Enhanced crossing facilities will be installed at the junction with Old Greenock Road, including a separate crossing for cyclists.
  • Blister tactile paving and dropped kerbs at all crossings for accessibility
  • Additional lighting will enhance the full route, passing through the layby where space for parking is maintained.
  • The route will finish at the toucan crossing point, where it will connect with the new Black Cart pedestrian and cycle bridge. 

Cycling and walking connections

As well as providing a safe connection between the two commercial sites, the route will join with other active travel routes at this area:

  • Connecting to the safe walking and cycling routes into Renfrew and towards Paisley being built through the Glasgow City Region City Deal project.
  • Linking into a new active travel route we're developing  supported by the Scottish Government Clyde Mission Fund
  • Works are starting soon on phased walking and cycling improvements along Greenock Road between Inchinnan Business Park to the roundabout with Southbar and Barnsford Road.

Find out more

You can keep in touch with the project team and find out more by email to