Renfrewshire Council

Applications for historic buildings in villages grants are currently closed.

Historic buildings in villages grants

Find out about the grants available to plan and carry out repairs on privately owned historic buildings in Renfrewshire Villages.

You can apply for grants to plan and carry out repairs on privately owned historic buildings in one of eleven Renfrewshire villages. 

The scheme encourages the use of local conservation professionals, materials, repair methods and techniques that fit with the age and construction of the property.

There are two grants available. However, funding for these grants is limited. Each application is assessed against the criteria of the grants, so we can't guarantee you'll get a grant or get the amount you've applied for.

Maintenance planning grant

The maintenance planning grant can be used for a conservation accredited professional advisor to develop a maintenance plan for a building built before 1945.

You can apply for up to 80% of eligible costs, excluding VAT, to a maximum value of £1,500.

The closing date for this grant was Monday 29 January 2024.

Find out more about the maintenance planning grant

Repairs grant

The repairs grant is for structural and external repairs, reinstatement of external architectural details or professional fees for a building built before 1945. 

You can apply for a small grant of up to 60% of eligible costs for repairs costing between £3,000 and £8,000 (excluding VAT). 

You can apply for a standard grant of up to 50% of eligible costs for repair works valued over £8,000 (excluding VAT), up to a maximum of £25,000.

The closing date for this grant was Monday 29 April 2024.

Find out more about the repairs grant