Contact us
Online services and MyAccount, customer services, appointments at Renfrewshire House, how to make a complaint, compliment or suggestion.
On this page:
You can use our online forms to contact us. These forms are designed to collect all the information we need to deal with your request.
You'll need to register to use MyAccount for some of these forms. What MyAccount is and how to sign up.
Benefits and money
- Universal Credit
- Provide evidence to support your Housing Benefit claim
- Tell us of a change of circumstances if you get Housing Benefit
- Review of a Housing Benefit decision - you'll need to sign in or register for MyAccount
- Crisis Grant from Scottish Welfare Fund
- Community Care Grant from Scottish Welfare Fund
- Report benefit fraud
Bins, recycling and waste
- garden waste permit
- missed bin collection
- bin calendar or stickers for your bin
- you haven't received your new bin or information pack
- collection of waste household items (special uplift)
- lease a commercial property
- view a commercial property
- business grants and loans, resilience grant, restart loan, digital development grant, net zero grant, retail improvement (RIS) grant
- pay your business rates, including rent, non-domestic rates, planning applications, building standards enquiries, building warrant applications, raised platform payments and other invoices (sundry income)
Caring for and protecting adults
Change of details
You'll need to sign in or register for MyAccount, to tell us your:
Community safety and your neighbourhood
Tell us about:
- litter
- graffiti
- fly tipping
- syringes (needles)
- overgrown grass, trees or hedges
- road or street lighting faults, flooding or ask for gritting
- abandoned vehicle
- dead animal
Council tax
- pay your council tax, and set up or change a direct debit
- council tax reduction (make a new application)
- Second Person Rebate (council tax reduction)
- council tax discount for single people
- council tax discounts for students
- council tax reductions on homes adapted for people with disabilities
- council tax exemption for an unoccupied property
- apply for a council house
- note your interest in a HomeChoice property
- lighting fault on a stairs or close
- housing repair
- discretionary housing payment (if you need help with your housing costs)
- change of tenancy, if you're a letting agent
- change of tenancy, if you're a private landlord
- annual gambling licence fee
- annual liquor licence fee
- late hours catering licence
- street trading licence
- window cleaner's licence
MyAccount and account
- link your council tax or rent account to MyAccount
- unlink your council tax or rent account from MyAccount
- issue with our online services or making an online payment
- feedback about MyAccount
- problem with your account
Schools, education and learning
- early entry to school
- register your child for Primary 1 class
- apply for a place in a school outside your catchment area (school placing request)
- home to school transport
- Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
Taxis and private hire car licences
- vehicle inspection test for a taxi or private hire car
- taxi licence
- taxi driver licence
- private hire car licence
- private hire car driver licence
Severe weather and emergency contacts
Customer Services
Please use MyAccount to contact us and ask for services. This will help free up telephone advisor time to speak with customers who are less able to use our online services.
You can also email us at or you can call 0300 300 0300:
- Monday to Thursday from 8:45am to 4:45pm
- Friday from 8:45am to 3:55pm.
You can only make enquires about council tax and rent payments for council tenancies online through MyAccount.
British Sign Language (BSL)
You can ask Contact Scotland BSL about their free BSL video interpreting service if you need to speak to us in British Sign Language (BSL).
Alternative formats
If you need information in another format, such as accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille, call us on 0300 300 0330.
Appointments at Renfrewshire House
Please do not turn up without an appointment. If you do, we'll need to arrange for you to come back.
If you have a pre-booked appointment at Renfrewshire House arrive no sooner than 5 minutes before your appointment time.
There's limited waiting space indoors. You may need to wait outdoors.
Payments at kiosks
You can make payments at our kiosks in Renfrewshire House, please pay by card if possible. You do not need to make an appointment to make a payment at the kiosks.
Complaints, compliments or suggestions
We welcome your feedback on our services, including comments, suggestions and complaints.