Renfrewshire Council

Celebrating Renfrewshire is currently closed to new applications.

Celebrating Renfrewshire Fund

What the fund is, what it can be used for, who can apply for it, how to apply, the voting process, if you get funding.

Celebrating Renfrewshire is a fund designed by and for young people, where young people aged 12-25 will have a direct say on which projects are funded in their local area.

This guide gives you more information about the fund and how to apply. Applications for Celebrating Renfrewshire funding are currently closed. The fund will open to new applications in April 2025.

The council works with members from the Celebrating Renfrewshire Steering Group to plan the application and voting process every year.

Find out more about joining the Steering Group for 2025.

All young people aged 12-25 who live, go to school or work in Renfrewshire can vote on the projects they want to see delivered in their Local Partnership area. We will do this in partnership with community groups, organisations and schools. If you are a group or organisation and have young people who wish to vote you can contact for a support pack and voting guidance for all your young people.

The voting results will then be announced at an event which will be organised by young people once all voting has been completed.

What the funding can be used for

What kind of projects we are looking for, what the funding can be used for, project priorities for 2024 applications.

What the funding can be used for

Who can apply for funding

Who can apply to the Celebrating Renfrewshire Fund

Who can apply for funding

If you get funding

Conditions of the grant, how we will pay the grant, evaluation of your project.

If you get funding

Projects funded in 2024

Projects we funded through Celebrating Renfrewshire in 2024

Projects we are funding

Who to contact for help

If you would like support to assist you to complete your application you can contact Meagan Kirk on 01414871512, or email the Celebrating Renfrewshire team.