Renfrewshire Council

Energy advice

About our energy advice service, eligibility, how to request energy advice, how it works, our top energy-saving tips.

Request energy advice from one of our advisers

If you live in Renfrewshire, you can request advice from our energy advisers.

Our advisers will find out about your situation and offer advice. They can:

  • help you understand your fuel bills and meter readings
  • act on your behalf when dealing with energy companies
  • help you get the best out of your heating system
  • recommend energy-saving measures
  • help if you're in or at risk of fuel poverty, including signposting you to other services available to you (fuel poverty is when you spend more than 10% of your income on heating your home)
  • advise you on cheaper deals for electricity and gas
  • help you switch energy providers and payment methods
  • help you monitor your energy usage efficiently, which can help you to avoid accumulating fuel debt
  • help you agree payment plans with energy suppliers
  • make sure that you're repaying any arrears (debt) at a reasonable rate
  • make sure that you have access to any emergency financial assistance available.

Who can use this service

Our free energy advice is available to anyone living in Renfrewshire. It does not matter if you own your home or rent.

How to request energy advice

Email us at or phone us on 0300 3000 300 and say you are looking for energy advice.

What happens after you get in touch

After you've been in touch and requested energy advice, one of our energy advisers will contact you by email or over the phone. Then, your adviser will begin working with you directly.

Top energy-saving tips

Before getting in touch, read our top energy-saving tips. They could help you get in control of your bills and energy use.

Behaviour changes

  • Close your curtains at dusk.
  • When using the kettle, boil only what you need instead of filling it all the way.
  • Do not dry your clothes on a radiator. This makes your boiler work harder, which costs more.
  • When boiling vegetables, use just enough water to cover them.
  • Fill up your washing machine, tumble dryer, and dishwasher all the way. 1 full load uses less energy than 2 half loads.
  • Fix any leaking taps and make sure they're fully turned off. A dripping hot water tap wastes enough energy in a week to fill half a bath.
  • Cook big batches of food in the oven at once. Freeze what you do not need.
  • Wash clothes on a lower temperature setting.
  • Take showers instead of baths. Keep your showers to a maximum of 5 minutes.
  • Turn electrical appliances off. Do not leave them on standby.
  • Turn lights off when you leave a room.
  • When cooking, chop meat and vegetables into smaller pieces. This helps them cook quicker.

Insulation and draught proofing

  • Use simple draught proofing, such as sausage-dog excluders and draught strips.
  • Insulate your water cylinder with an 80mm jacket.
  • Insulate your loft with 270mm of loft insulation. This can save £150 per year over 40 years.
  • If your walls are suitable, install cavity-wall insulation. This can save £120 per year.


  • If you're buying a new fridge-freezer, look for a band 'A' model. These are more energy efficient and can save £45 per year.
  • Switch to low-energy bulbs. They last up to 10 times longer and cost about 75% less to run.
  • Turn down your central-heating thermostat. Turning it down just 1 degree could save you 10% on your fuel bill.
  • Make sure your water is not too hot. Your cylinder thermostat should be set to 60°C or 140°F.