Renfrewshire Council

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Staff stories

Stories, messages and blogs from colleagues across the council.

On this page

You're living our values

Our nominees recognised for being fair, helpful, great collaborators and learning

Collaboration unlocks success in Paisley

Fitting-out Paisley Town Hall and Learning and Cultural Hub with our values

Lisa Carrigan's tireless efforts transform a tenant's life

Recognising the human impact of living our values

A passionate ambassador for Renfrewshire, every single day

Bus driver Jim's helpful and caring approach to pupil wellbeing

Fairness, trust and respect

Sarah's key ingredients for a healthy team culture

Empowering communities

Insights from our #YouDecide team

"Fabulous" feedback from colleagues

Recognising staff commitment to supporting unpaid working carers

We can count on Ellen

Helpful, friendly support recognised by colleagues

Values led approach to supporting young people

Living our values leads to success for Project SEARCH team and supported interns

Values at the heart of cancer support

Louise and Charlotte recognised for their help and care

Collaboration key to our digital experience ambition

HR&OD, Procurement and DXP teams add value with combined expertise

Achieving more with kindness and understanding

Susan Allan explains how being fair at work makes all the difference

Crew talents not wasted!

Alan Connelly's quick thinking team save the day

Serving up smiles and support at The Atrium

Café team praised for their positive approach

Values recognition for Ukrainian refugee welcome team

Our housing support staff embody our values in action

Our Chief Executive's blog

Videos and blogs from our Chief Executive, Alan Russell

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell - April 2024

Alan Russell celebrates a significant milestone and provides an update on health and wellbeing, our support for colleagues with caring responsibilities, voter ID and living our values.

Budget 2024/25 update from Chief Executive, Alan Russell

On Thursday 29 February councillors approved a budget of £549.287million for 2024/25. In his message to colleagues, Alan expresses gratitude to all teams for their continued positivity and resilience, describes the background and considerations underlying this year's budget and outlines the key points agreed by councillors.

Message from Chief Executive, Alan Russell - January 2024

Alan Russell looks ahead to what promises to be a challenging but exciting year for the council.


Health and wellbeing

Colleagues share their stories and advice.

Talking helped me take back control—Martin's wellbeing story

Talking about Coeliac disease, finding support and raising awareness.

I'm a mental health first aider

Meet Lesley Rodgers, a mental health first aider who works as a waste adviser within our Environment, Housing and Infrastructure service.

Hazel's story

Hazel*, who works in our Chief Executive's service, tells us how talking about mental health at work set her on the road to recovery.

Kevin's story

Kevin Milliken, procurement advisor, tells us how opening up and talking helped him take control of his mental health.

Catherine's story

Catherine O'Regan, content designer, shares her wellbeing story

Moya's story

Moya Garner, team leader, tells us why she became a mental health first aider.

Cyber security

Learn from your colleagues and stay safe online

Benefits of being cyber savvy

Cyber security architect Carol Peters reminds us to stay safe online and protect Council systems and information.

Cyber security training saved Duncan from an email scam

Read his letter of thanks to cyber security architect, Carol Peters.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and staying safe online

Carol talks about AI and what it means for staying safe online

Stay safe and vigilant against cyber threats

Cyber security architect Carol Peter's message to colleagues

It can happen to anyone - How I almost got scammed

Carol shares details of her close call, and how to spot a scam on social media    

Colleague stories and blogs

Read more about some of the great work and achievements of your colleagues

Delivering for the community in all weather

Hot meals for local people come rain, hail or shine.

Council work experience review: Charlotte's web of possibilities

Senior pupil, and aspiring media student, Charlotte Smith, from Johnstone High School, tells us how her recent work experience with our communications team has inspired her hopes for the future.

How Val is helping her team to #KeepThePromise

Empowering care experienced young people through creative local events.

Keeping Renfrewshire moving throughout winter

We spoke with colleagues from our gritting and flooding teams to get an insight into how they prepare for winter and severe weather conditions.


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Return to our Staff info page for more of the latest staff news and stories and to acess key info about working at the council and taking care of your wellbeing.